Click on either the book images or the links below to buy the books written by Eric Pauker.
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Barnes and Noble carries only Print.
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Amazon Barnes and Noble | When the isolated town of Brentwood, British Columbia is attacked by an unknown technologically advanced enemy, Jack Campbell and his friends are forced to flee in hopes of finding sanctuary in a nearby city. After discovering the city and everything around it had been demolished by the enemy, they begin to realize they may be the only people left alive. Follow Jack and his friends as they search for other survivors, while discovering that some of the invaders may have other intentions for the human race. |
Amazon Barnes and Noble | Since the Lights left Earth, Jack Campbell and his friends have been trying to rebuild the cities and create a defense system for the planet. But constant distractions may mean they will not be prepared for when the Lights return. They may be making more enemies than friends as the remnants Earths governments isolate themselves in a handful of cities and others work in secret to eliminate Jack so they can control Earth and its people. |
Amazon Barnes and Noble | Jack Campbell and his friends believe it is their purpose in life to save the human race. They also believe because they relive their lives repeatedly they have as much time as it takes to accomplish their goal. They believed wrong. Join Jack and his friends as they fight against the many unexpected and alien threats to the Human race as they desperately try to protect everyone. |
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